Yesterday, the chiller started working under air temp cca 0℃, after about 10 minutes work, cooler stopped and disturbances was reported. Also the temperature controller was without any lighting - no information.
Now I show you the simple judgement and troubleshooting.
1.When the water cooler is used at air temp cca 0°C without antifreeze additive, the water loop may get frozen. Once you turn on the cooler ,the water pump will be stuck by the ice water and breakdown
2.Now we need to eliminate the malfunction component, you can used multimeter to test the output of the 24V switch(cut output wires from the red mark shown as the picture) whether have 24V direct-current output, if output is unstable,it means power failure, you need to replace the power switch; if output is stable,it means the pump break down, you need to replace the pump.
3.A simple judgement method is to cut two output wires of the pump and observe whether the temperature controler recovers display when you turn on the chiller. If the controller is on ,it means the pump breakdown, if it fails to diaplay, the ploblem is from the 24V power switch.
4.If the problem is from the 24V switch power, you need to do a more test to judge whether the pump breakdown at the same time by replacing a new switching power.
Remark: there is a output wire(simmer one)and a input wire on the switching power.
SKYPE: teyuchiller